Inefficient system design causes mistakes, stress, and risks to patients. Prioritizing user-centered solutions can save lives and enhance care quality.

Inefficient system design causes mistakes, stress, and risks to patients. Prioritizing user-centered solutions can save lives and enhance care quality.

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Inefficient system design causes mistakes, stress, and risks to patients. Prioritizing user-centered solutions can save lives and enhance care quality.

Inefficient system design causes mistakes, stress, and risks to patients. Prioritizing user-centered solutions can save lives and enhance care quality.

What are EHR Systems?

EMR stands for Electronic Medical Record, which is a server-based system that hospitals can use to manage their patients. These systems are equipped with patient management profiles, order tests, record diagnosis, analyze past diagnoses, etc. These systems were created to improve efficiency and reduce the loss of data due to analog data storage.

Problem Statement

Upon researching EMR systems, it was found that these systems were failing at what they were supposed to do. Due to bad design and usability issues, these systems were causing decrease in efficiency. These effects compounded as the system started to cater to more users. This propelled the occurrence of more errors, which even cost lives. The mental burden imposed upon the users is extreme, which resulted in such errors.


Design process



Competitive analysis

Quantitavtive Analysis

Quantitavtive Analysis

Empathy Map

User persona

Kano Analysis

Competitive analysis

Quantitavtive Analysis

Quantitavtive Analysis

Empathy Map

User persona

Kano Analysis



Kano Analysis

Task Analysis


Kano Analysis

Task Analysis




Colours & Typography

Final high fedelity deisgns

Colours & Typography

Final high fedelity deisgns

Conducted an in-depth competitive analysis of the Bahmni EMR system, comparing it with other EMR systems available in the market. The study identified key strengths and weaknesses, providing actionable insights for system improvement and market positioning.


Competitive analysis



Dr. Chrono

Kario Clinic


Can fillout paper work directly by patient before visit to the hospital.

Extremely customizable SOAP notes.

Patient portal is completely customisable.

Can be used on mobile devices.

Can fillout paper work directly by patient before visit to the hospital.

Extremely customizable SOAP notes.

Patient portal is completely customisable.

Can be used on mobile devices.

Very user friendly with minimal learning curve.

Regularly used features are easily accessible.

E- Prescribing medicines.

Intiutive scheduling system.

Ability to create custom reports.

Ease of entering progress notes.

Customizable dashboard

Proper labeling by using colors.

Direct integration of e prescription to pharmacies.

Low implementation cost.

Ease of entering progress notes.

Customizable dashboard

Proper labeling by using colors.

Direct integration of e prescription to pharmacies.

Low implementation cost.

Needs to have a low implementation cost.

Highly Customizable screens are a must.

Minimal learning curve is better.

Cognitive load should be low.

Scheduling system must be highly integrated.

Raising price every year.

A difficult learning curve in each part of the software.

The template construction is sometimes cumbersome.

Does not allow varying appointment times.

Patient portal doesn’t allow viewing and scheduling appointments directly.

Prescribing controlled medication is a hassle.

Calendar integration is extremely limited.

Poor documentation.

Difficult to set up

Some key features are difficult to understand.

Many dropdowns making it difficult to select.

More steps to do a single task.

Medication range setting is difficult to manage.

Should be easy to setup.

An easy way to customize the screens is needed.

Key features must be readily available to the user.

Calendar and appointment flow should be easy to use.

Every process should generally take less time.

Conducted an in-depth competitive analysis of the Bahmni EMR system, comparing it with other EMR systems available in the market. The study identified key strengths and weaknesses, providing actionable insights for system improvement and market positioning.


User Servey

Quantitavtive Analysis

we had talks with few doctor who had handle their own EMR systems

I am a dentist and the diagnosis and procedure for evaluation in dentistry is different. This software doesn't accommodate that. Also, the options are labelled confusingly. To create a diagnosis form for dentistry, I tried using the form builder but it was very difficult and seemed to require somebody to set it up. If it was easy to set up then it would be great for doctors of other fields.

I am a dentist and the diagnosis and procedure for evaluation in dentistry is different. This software doesn't accommodate that. Also, the options are labelled confusingly. To create a diagnosis form for dentistry, I tried using the form builder but it was very difficult and seemed to require somebody to set it up. If it was easy to set up then it would be great for doctors of other fields.

I am a dentist and the diagnosis and procedure for evaluation in dentistry is different. This software doesn't accommodate that. Also, the options are labelled confusingly. To create a diagnosis form for dentistry, I tried using the form builder but it was very difficult and seemed to require somebody to set it up. If it was easy to set up then it would be great for doctors of other fields.

When duty doctors fail to update the system regarding their diagnosis, it will be difficult for us to keep track of the situation of the patients in the wards. Few of them enter all the diagnosis in the end notes rather than filling the forms.

When duty doctors fail to update the system regarding their diagnosis, it will be difficult for us to keep track of the situation of the patients in the wards. Few of them enter all the diagnosis in the end notes rather than filling the forms.

When duty doctors fail to update the system regarding their diagnosis, it will be difficult for us to keep track of the situation of the patients in the wards. Few of them enter all the diagnosis in the end notes rather than filling the forms.

We cannot enter equipment unavailability and turn-in time for tests on the system. During initial days of getting hang of the software, it was bit confusing but with everyday use I got used to it. We have staff for managing other work , I just keep checking the drug inventory once in a while to keep track

We cannot enter equipment unavailability and turn-in time for tests on the system. During initial days of getting hang of the software, it was bit confusing but with everyday use I got used to it. We have staff for managing other work , I just keep checking the drug inventory once in a while to keep track

We cannot enter equipment unavailability and turn-in time for tests on the system. During initial days of getting hang of the software, it was bit confusing but with everyday use I got used to it. We have staff for managing other work , I just keep checking the drug inventory once in a while to keep track

I am a Gynecologist, so my patients are regularly recurring. I cannot set up a follow-up appointment while doing the consultation. I have to completely get out of the consultation panel and head over to the appointments screen to schedule one.

I am a Gynecologist, so my patients are regularly recurring. I cannot set up a follow-up appointment while doing the consultation. I have to completely get out of the consultation panel and head over to the appointments screen to schedule one.

I am a Gynecologist, so my patients are regularly recurring. I cannot set up a follow-up appointment while doing the consultation. I have to completely get out of the consultation panel and head over to the appointments screen to schedule one.

I have had many of my subordinates complaining that the system is confusing to use. In my opinion, the system is not intuitive enough to guide a person using it. Once I was trying to enter a prescription for a controlled substance, the system was supposed to respond with a warning as these are to be recorded in the patient medication history with utmost care. The system failed to indicate this, and the patient got processed for improper conduct.

I have had many of my subordinates complaining that the system is confusing to use. In my opinion, the system is not intuitive enough to guide a person using it. Once I was trying to enter a prescription for a controlled substance, the system was supposed to respond with a warning as these are to be recorded in the patient medication history with utmost care. The system failed to indicate this, and the patient got processed for improper conduct.

I have had many of my subordinates complaining that the system is confusing to use. In my opinion, the system is not intuitive enough to guide a person using it. Once I was trying to enter a prescription for a controlled substance, the system was supposed to respond with a warning as these are to be recorded in the patient medication history with utmost care. The system failed to indicate this, and the patient got processed for improper conduct.

Medical Receptionist are the people who had some experience with the computer yet they face these few issues

first time using the software was a disaster i was stuck in registration page from almost 2-3 hours, it has some big errors which created confusion but now its fines only cause I know about it.

first time using the software was a disaster i was stuck in registration page from almost 2-3 hours, it has some big errors which created confusion but now its fines only cause I know about it.

first time using the software was a disaster i was stuck in registration page from almost 2-3 hours, it has some big errors which created confusion but now its fines only cause I know about it.

I am not used to computers. So it is difficult for me type medicines

I am not used to computers. So it is difficult for me type medicines

I am not used to computers. So it is difficult for me type medicines

It is difficult to manage consultations because i couldn't figure out what to do by myself

It is difficult to manage consultations because i couldn't figure out what to do by myself

It is difficult to manage consultations because i couldn't figure out what to do by myself

Medical assistant don’t have much medical knowledge they are helping hand of the doctor in the clinic.

I am not used to computers. So it is difficult for me type medicines

I am not used to computers. So it is difficult for me type medicines

I am not used to computers. So it is difficult for me type medicines

During the early days of the EHR implementation, as an intern it used to be very difficult to navigate the system's menus. Patient appointments keep getting jumbled due to poor organization by the software. Also, our hospital uses various codes to indicate the seriousness of a specific appointment, and since the system didn't have an option, the nurses have to page us if there is an emergency like a TA patient. It would be great if the software can order the appointments and alert in case of emergencies in the wards.

During the early days of the EHR implementation, as an intern it used to be very difficult to navigate the system's menus. Patient appointments keep getting jumbled due to poor organization by the software. Also, our hospital uses various codes to indicate the seriousness of a specific appointment, and since the system didn't have an option, the nurses have to page us if there is an emergency like a TA patient. It would be great if the software can order the appointments and alert in case of emergencies in the wards.

During the early days of the EHR implementation, as an intern it used to be very difficult to navigate the system's menus. Patient appointments keep getting jumbled due to poor organization by the software. Also, our hospital uses various codes to indicate the seriousness of a specific appointment, and since the system didn't have an option, the nurses have to page us if there is an emergency like a TA patient. It would be great if the software can order the appointments and alert in case of emergencies in the wards.

When there are many patients it is difficult to use the system

When there are many patients it is difficult to use the system

When there are many patients it is difficult to use the system

Data Logging for tests is very time consuming and can make errors

Data Logging for tests is very time consuming and can make errors

Data Logging for tests is very time consuming and can make errors

Sometimes, we would want to issue a few notes regarding the patient for a specific test while ordering tests. That seems to be absent in this software.

Sometimes, we would want to issue a few notes regarding the patient for a specific test while ordering tests. That seems to be absent in this software.

Sometimes, we would want to issue a few notes regarding the patient for a specific test while ordering tests. That seems to be absent in this software.


To gain more insight on the problem, we interviews 10 different people from differenet places and collected data. here are 2 interviews transcript

Person’s name and occupation

my name is Saroj ghusti. I work in shri diagnostic center, its diagnosis center.

How long have you been in this field?

I’ve been working in the hospital sector here for the last four years.

Are you satisfied with the software you are currently using?

yes, I’m satisfied with the software

Chief point: Satisfied. (only cause user is using it for a long time)

How much time does it take to learn this software

it was difficult. It took me around 3-4 months to learn the software. But it’s like new things take time of courses and then slowly-slowly I learned the whole process.

Chief point: 3-4 months

Have you faced any difficulty while using EHR?

There’s not particular, but it’s like maintaining the whole software is a difficulty, cause I was new, I didn't know which option takes were but now when you keep on doing this stuff you learn and become friends with it.

Chief point: Navigation is not easy for beginners.

Have you ever used any better EHR system than the one you are currently using?

I’m an accountant by profession, so for me, Tally software has always been my first choice. I’ve known that software for a very long and I'm very comfortable with it, and I think it’s the same case with every accountant.

Cheif Point: Accountants prefer the Tally software interface

If you ever got a problem, then to whom do you contact?

We directly talk to the company person, and he’d fix everything, and we directly talk to him as we know him directly.

Chief points: prefer to contact company’s guy for problems

Is there anything you want to change about the system as a user? It can be anything (the way it looks or any function that is difficult to work with)

well, no software can be 100% right. There are always some faults, and we have to adjust according to them.

Now there’s a major problem when we register a patient ID; the software also creates a booking ID, Here the patient ID is unique, and we think that the booking should be remaining to connect whenever a patient comes.

Like take a situation if a patient has a bill of 5000, but he only pays 3000, and he pays left 2000 after two days, then the patient should become zero cause everything is done now it doesn't have like this you have to track the patient ID to remove the patients, it should become zero from the booking ID.

Now, if I can get four times here in a year, then how can I know with booking iD how much I've paid.

Chief point: Patient ID is not connected with Booking ID, results in adding up extra work and loss of data.

Person’s name and occupation

my name is Saroj ghusti. I work in shri diagnostic center, its diagnosis center.

How long have you been in this field?

I’ve been working in the hospital sector here for the last four years.

Are you satisfied with the software you are currently using?

yes, I’m satisfied with the software

Chief point: Satisfied. (only cause user is using it for a long time)

How much time does it take to learn this software

it was difficult. It took me around 3-4 months to learn the software. But it’s like new things take time of courses and then slowly-slowly I learned the whole process.

Chief point: 3-4 months

Have you faced any difficulty while using EHR?

There’s not particular, but it’s like maintaining the whole software is a difficulty, cause I was new, I didn't know which option takes were but now when you keep on doing this stuff you learn and become friends with it.

Chief point: Navigation is not easy for beginners.

Have you ever used any better EHR system than the one you are currently using?

I’m an accountant by profession, so for me, Tally software has always been my first choice. I’ve known that software for a very long and I'm very comfortable with it, and I think it’s the same case with every accountant.

Cheif Point: Accountants prefer the Tally software interface

If you ever got a problem, then to whom do you contact?

We directly talk to the company person, and he’d fix everything, and we directly talk to him as we know him directly.

Chief points: prefer to contact company’s guy for problems

Is there anything you want to change about the system as a user? It can be anything (the way it looks or any function that is difficult to work with)

well, no software can be 100% right. There are always some faults, and we have to adjust according to them.

Now there’s a major problem when we register a patient ID; the software also creates a booking ID, Here the patient ID is unique, and we think that the booking should be remaining to connect whenever a patient comes.

Like take a situation if a patient has a bill of 5000, but he only pays 3000, and he pays left 2000 after two days, then the patient should become zero cause everything is done now it doesn't have like this you have to track the patient ID to remove the patients, it should become zero from the booking ID.

Now, if I can get four times here in a year, then how can I know with booking iD how much I've paid.

Chief point: Patient ID is not connected with Booking ID, results in adding up extra work and loss of data.

Person’s name and occupation?

my name is Vasundhara Gupta. Currently, I’m working in P.V Sharma Hospital as a r receptionist.

How long have you been in this field?

I’ve been working here for the last two years.

Are you satisfied with the software you are currently using?

Yeah, it’s just working.

Chief point: Software is just ok-ok for the user

how much time does it take to learn this software

It took around two months for me to become comfortable with the software. In the starting, it was very complicated, and I kept on making mistakes here and there.

Chief point: it took two months for a user to get comfortable with the software

Have you faced any difficulty while using EHR?

In the starting, yes, it was, I made a lot of mistakes like name and spelling, and there was no one to taught me the software properly.

Chief point: Proper navigation guide was not available for beginners.

Have you ever used any better EHR system than the one you are currently using?

No, I haven’t used any other software other than this, but I’m sure there are. There should be better software than this.

Cheif Point: Hoping for a change

If you ever got a problem, then to whom do you contact?

We directly talk to the company person, and he’d fix everything, and we directly face speak to him as we know him directly.

Chief points: prefer to contact company’s guy for problems

Is there anything you want to change about the system as a user? It can be anything (the way it looks or any functions that are difficult that is difficult to work with)

During the early days of the EHR implementation, as an intern, it used to be very difficult to navigate the system's menus. Patient appointments keep getting jumbled due to poor organization by the software. Also, our hospital uses various codes to indicate the seriousness of a specific appointment, and since the system didn't have an option, the nurses have to page us if there is an emergency like a TA patient. It would be great if the software can order the appointments and alert in case of emergencies in the wards.

Chief point: navigation was hard. It would be great to have a seriousness rate button or emergency option on the software.

Person’s name and occupation?

my name is Vasundhara Gupta. Currently, I’m working in P.V Sharma Hospital as a r receptionist.

How long have you been in this field?

I’ve been working here for the last two years.

Are you satisfied with the software you are currently using?

Yeah, it’s just working.

Chief point: Software is just ok-ok for the user

how much time does it take to learn this software

It took around two months for me to become comfortable with the software. In the starting, it was very complicated, and I kept on making mistakes here and there.

Chief point: it took two months for a user to get comfortable with the software

Have you faced any difficulty while using EHR?

In the starting, yes, it was, I made a lot of mistakes like name and spelling, and there was no one to taught me the software properly.

Chief point: Proper navigation guide was not available for beginners.

Have you ever used any better EHR system than the one you are currently using?

No, I haven’t used any other software other than this, but I’m sure there are. There should be better software than this.

Cheif Point: Hoping for a change

If you ever got a problem, then to whom do you contact?

We directly talk to the company person, and he’d fix everything, and we directly face speak to him as we know him directly.

Chief points: prefer to contact company’s guy for problems

Is there anything you want to change about the system as a user? It can be anything (the way it looks or any functions that are difficult that is difficult to work with)

During the early days of the EHR implementation, as an intern, it used to be very difficult to navigate the system's menus. Patient appointments keep getting jumbled due to poor organization by the software. Also, our hospital uses various codes to indicate the seriousness of a specific appointment, and since the system didn't have an option, the nurses have to page us if there is an emergency like a TA patient. It would be great if the software can order the appointments and alert in case of emergencies in the wards.

Chief point: navigation was hard. It would be great to have a seriousness rate button or emergency option on the software.

Quantitavtive Analysis

An online survey to observe any pattern and similarity in what tha majority of the user and what all problem they face. we got multiple detailed answers

hard to keep track

hard to keep track


system is confusing

system is confusing


options on dashboard are labelled confusingly.

options on dashboard are labelled confusingly.


not used to using computers

not used to using computers


Warning alerts missing

Warning alerts missing


poor organization

poor organization


Data logging is very consuming

Data logging is very consuming


add note feature missing

add note feature missing


Difficult to navigate through menu

Difficult to navigate through menu


Difficult to manage consultations

Difficult to manage consultations


difficult to use

difficult to use



Empathy Mapping

In order to better understand user behavior and decision-making, we developed an empathy map tailored to our target user group. This process facilitated a shared understanding of user needs and played a crucial role in making informed design decisions.

reloads the page

reloads the page

reloads the page

takes help from someone

takes help from someone

takes help from someone

presses back button to go back

presses back button to go back

presses back button to go back

ask someone else to do it

ask someone else to do it

ask someone else to do it

goes back to home page

goes back to home page

goes back to home page

It reduces pen-paper work load

It reduces pen-paper work load

It reduces pen-paper work load

it’s hard to register a

new user

it’s hard to register a

new user

it’s hard to register a

new user

Cannot customize for our usecase

Cannot customize for our usecase

Cannot customize for our usecase

Causing many errors

Causing many errors

Causing many errors

cannot enter equipment unavaiblity

cannot enter equipment unavaiblity

cannot enter equipment unavaiblity

the system is not optimal fordentistry

the system is not optimal fordentistry

the system is not optimal fordentistry

The system could add an emergency

appointment option

The system could add an emergency

appointment option

The system could add an emergency

appointment option









not intuitive enough

not intuitive enough

not intuitive enough

hard to navigate

hard to navigate

hard to navigate

why is it hard to undo my action

why is it hard to undo my action

why is it hard to undo my action

waste of time

waste of time

waste of time




where to add in-time of tests

where to add in-time of tests

where to add in-time of tests

where to add notes for patient?

where to add notes for patient?

where to add notes for patient?

How do I undo my


How do I undo my


How do I undo my


where to add notes for patient?

where to add notes for patient?

where to add notes for patient?

how to I add a follow up consultation?

how to I add a follow up consultation?

how to I add a follow up consultation?

no warning alerts for

crucial data entry

no warning alerts for

crucial data entry

no warning alerts for

crucial data entry

Dignosis procedures are different

in dentistry

Dignosis procedures are different

in dentistry

Dignosis procedures are different

in dentistry




User persona

Created a common user persona for the targeted group based on all the information gathered by the research. This user persona represents the target user group.

DR. Prabhu Saravanan










IT Specialist



The goal is to minimize the time spent managing patient data while ensuring quick access to past reports. This facilitates detailed comparisons and accurate diagnoses, leading to improved efficiency, enhanced patient care, and better clinical decision-making.

Pain point

Pain point

Confusing flows significantly increase the time required to complete tasks. The extremely cluttered interface makes it challenging to read and navigate effectively. Errors frequently occur due to a lack of clear indications, causing frustration and inefficiency in operations.

DR. Gayatri Banerjee









IT Specialist



The aim is to reduce the time spent managing patient records while ensuring seamless access to historical reports. This enables gynecologists to perform detailed comparisons, make precise diagnoses, and deliver enhanced patient care, ultimately improving efficiency and supporting better clinical outcomes.

Pain point

Pain point

Complex workflows unnecessarily prolong task completion times, while an overcrowded interface hampers readability and navigation. The absence of clear guidance often leads to frequent errors, resulting in frustration and reduced operational efficiency.


KANO analysis

Combining all the feature requests and changes which were identified through research an extensive list of features of the app was arrived upon. The features are now sorted with the help of KANO model according to its importance. As the time is limited, this helps in finding the most important features to be devoloped in the app.


Final insights based on research and analysis

Considering all teh data, noted down the final insight

Patient arrival time record and sort

Patient arrival time record and sort

Patient arrival time record and sort

Labeling major buttons

Labeling major buttons

Labeling major buttons

Add consultation notes to each diagnosis

Add consultation notes to each diagnosis

Add consultation notes to each diagnosis

Including a back button

Including a back button

Including a back button

Only available details visible in patient history

Only available details visible in patient history

Only available details visible in patient history

Favourites and grouping

Favourites and grouping

Favourites and grouping

Chart analysis and pre diagnosis

Chart analysis and pre diagnosis

Chart analysis and pre diagnosis

User customizable dashboard

User customizable dashboard

User customizable dashboard

Automatic appointment scheduler

Automatic appointment scheduler

Automatic appointment scheduler

Suggestion list in username field

Suggestion list in username field

Suggestion list in username field

Record vitals during diagnosis

Record vitals during diagnosis

Record vitals during diagnosis

Patient list view

Patient list view

Patient list view

Diagnosis related medication suggestions

Diagnosis related medication suggestions

Diagnosis related medication suggestions

Displaying Turn around time for tests

Displaying Turn around time for tests

Displaying Turn around time for tests

Easy to understand labels for fields and options

Easy to understand labels for fields and options

Easy to understand labels for fields and options

Editing order panels on summary

Editing order panels on summary

Editing order panels on summary

Displaying selected order summary

Displaying selected order summary

Displaying selected order summary

Increase clickable areas of buttons

Increase clickable areas of buttons

Increase clickable areas of buttons

Credential specific task flows

Credential specific task flows

Credential specific task flows

Credential specific task flows

Credential specific task flows

Credential specific task flows

New diagnosis local save

New diagnosis local save

New diagnosis local save

Grouping similar features

Grouping similar features

Grouping similar features


Task Analysis

Considering all the data, noted down the final insight


Task Analysis (revised)

Task Analysis (revised)

Considering all teh data, noted down the final insight








High Fidelity UI

Thanks for Scrolling

Thanks for Scrolling